How To Perform A Leak Down Test On Your 1997 – 2001 Honda CR250.
Click Here For The Full Ste-By-Step Guide!
The Parts You Will Need Are:
- Tool & Parts
- Oil
- Coolant
- Fresh Spark Plug
- Clean Filter
- Fresh Gas
Honda CR250 Top End Service Steps:
- Step 1: Cylinder Head Removal (Video)
- Step 2: Cylinder Removal (Video)
- Step 3: Piston Removal (Video)
- Step 4: Exhaust Valve Removal (Video)
- Step 5: Piston Inspection (Video)
- Step 6: Cylinder Head Inspection (Video)
- Step 7: Cylinder Inspection (Video)
- Step 8: Exhaust Valve Inspection (Video)
- Step 9: Clearance Calculations (Video)
- Step 10: Exhaust Valve Installation (Video)
- Step 11: Piston Installation (Video)
- Step 12: Cylinder Installation (Video)
- Step 13: Cylinder Head Installation (Video)
- Step 14: Leak Down Test (Video)
- Step 15: Engine Break-In (Video)
You should take at least an hour to break in your engine. This might seem like overkill but I would rather lockup at five mph in my driveway than 30 mph 5 miles from my truck.
Before you do anything, refill your oil and coolant.
Make sure to use a clean filter, spark plug, and freshly mixed gas.
Click Here To Open The Top End Specifications Table In A New Window
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