Video: Maxima Castor 927 2-Stroke Oil Review


Oil Reviews – Maxima Castor 927 2-Stroke Oil

Castor 927 2-stroke racing oil by Maxima Lubricants is as good as it gets for castor based oils.  I prefer castor 2-stroke oil because I like nature, but I also like riding my 2-stroke.

Get a bottle to try for yourself HERE!

I want to ride green, so I went looking for a castor based 2-stroke oil that made the same power as full synthetic racing oil without the chemicals.

Related: You need to change your muffler pack at least once a season!

Maxima highly refines their Castor 927 2-stroke racing oil so it won’t leave much residue, delivers the same amount of power, and costs about the same as synthetic.

PS: Castor 927 is a PREmix racing oil, it WILL cause problems with oil injection systems. But a 2-stroke injection is a bad idea anyway.

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