What Does “Shot Peening” Do & How It Increases Strength In Metals

What Does “Shot Peening” Do & How It Increases Strength In Metals

How Does The Process of Shot Peening Work?

Shot peening is a process invented in the 1930s specifically to increase the fatigue strength of various metal components that encounter high levels of alternating stress regularly (i.e., motorcycle engines and chains). In other words, it makes shot-peened parts on your bike stronger and lasts for much longer than they usually would. Below you’ll find a brief synopsis of shot peening and what it entails: from the process to its most important benefits.

Shot Peening Gear

The majority of shot peening techniques use air blasters (also called media blasters). These air blasters “blast” tiny spherical media (more on media in just a minute) at very high speeds using extremely high air pressure. When the media makes contact with the surface it is blasting it creates a small indentation in the metal from the impact.

The media used during the process is chosen based on the type of component that is being shot-peened. Media used in shot peening include ceramic beads, steel shot, and rounded cut wire.

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How Does It Make Components Stronger?

When the media strikes the component, it creates a small divot on the surface of the metal. The moment that the divots form, the mechanical properties of the component’s surface change.

Before peening the component, its surface contains a high level of tensile stress. Tensile stress is a significant cause of stress fractures and fatigue cracks in metal components. When shot peening, each particle of the media generates compressive stress.

Shot Peened Chains

These compressive stresses overlap each other on the surface of the component. This stress eventually covers the entire area of the surface, thus negating the tensile stress that was previously on the surface. This different type of stress makes the part much more resistant to stress cracks and fractures.

Two Other Major Benefits of Shot Peening

We’ve already established that increasing the component’s resistance to stress fractures and cracks is one of the most significant benefits to shot peening, but that’s not the only benefit this process possesses:

Shot peening also dramatically reduces the components’ susceptibility to corrosion and cracking. It also increases the overall oil retention and lubricity of engine components.

By now, you should have a decent understanding of what shot peening is, how it works, and why it makes components stronger. It’s an invaluable process for prolonging the life of specific parts on your bike.

You can purchase parts that are already processed, or you can shot peen the parts yourself. However, if you’re planning to do it on your own, please consult a professional first. It is easy to flub it up if it’s your first try.

If you have any questions or anything to add, please leave them in the comments or on our FaceBook page!

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