What Is Blended Synthetic Oil? Pros & Cons Of Using It In Your Dirt Bike


What Is Blended Synthetic Oil? – Best Bang For Your Buck?

If you ride on a budget, blended synthetic oil could be the alternative you’re looking for. Ever since synthetic oil made its way into the automotive market, it has reigned supreme in two related, yet very distinct categories: performance and price. The former is why most professional motocross and enduro riders use synthetic. And the latter is why many aspiring dirt bike riders are still sticking with their petroleum-based oil.

Blended synthetic oil featured imageIt’s true that fully synthetic oil is expensive, even more so when you compare motorcycle oil to automotive oil. And over the years, automotive companies have sought to close the price gap between full synthetic and petroleum-based oils. There answer to that problem lay with blended synthetic oil – a mix of both synthetic and petroleum-based oil.

What’s even better, they found that blended-synthetic oil features almost all of the same characteristics as a full synthetic. Below you’ll see the advantages and (few) disadvantages that come with using a synthetic blend.

Advantages Of Using Blended Oil

It does NOT react drastically to changes in temperature. You already know that petroleum-based oil is notorious for thickening significantly in cold temperatures and thinning considerably in hot temperatures. You also know that synthetic oil stays a consistent thickness, no matter the temperature (mostly). Blended synthetic oil possesses that same characteristic.

Blended synthetic oil decomposes at a much slower rate than petroleum-based oil.

Synthetic blend lasts longer than petroleum-based oil, which means that it’s less prone to leave behind sludge and grime.

Reduces friction between engine components.

Blended synthetic also reduces friction between engine parts better than petroleum-based oil. Less resistance means less wear and tear, which translates into a longer lifespan for your engine.

Improves fuel economy.

Thanks to the shared higher viscosity it inherits from full synthetic oil, blended helps your dirt bike’s fuel economy.

Blended synthetic oil is also more affordable.

Thanks to being comprised of petroleum-oil as well, blended synthetic has a much cheaper price tag than it’s a pure synthetic counterpart.

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The Disadvantages Of Blended Synthetic Oil

Still priced higher than petroleum-based oils.

While blended synthetic oil is much cheaper than full synthetic, it is still more expensive than your typical petroleum-based oil. However, the price difference is not as significant.

Not as powerful as a full synthetic.

Synthetic blend engine oil does share most of the same benefits as full synthetic, but it doesn’t fully gain all of the full synthetic oil’s best attributes. For example, while it’s much more resistant to sludge build-up than petroleum-based oil, it is more susceptible to sludge build-up than full synthetic.

Which Type Of Oil Should You Use In Your Dirt Bike?

Conventional oil sludge
Synthetic oils won’t cause sludge build-up as conventional oil will

Blended vs. synthetic oil, that’s a question that could have many answers depending on your unique circumstances. However, if you were to ask me, here would be my general advice.

If you have the capital and you’re a serious dirt bike rider, then go ahead and buy the full synthetic. It’s just the best out of the three. The only problem is that that quality is expressed via its price.

If you’re on a budget and you’re a serious dirt bike rider, then go ahead and buy the blended synthetic oil. It’s going to give you better performance and protection than your standard petroleum-based without the hefty price tag of full synthetic.

And finally, if you’re a casual dirt bike rider, then I still recommend purchasing blended synthetic. It’s not too expensive, and the added lubricity, protection, and performance are well worth the extra couple of bucks you have to spend to get your hands on it.

If you’re still unsure of which direction you want to take, then I recommend you take a moment to look at your dirt bike’s owner’s manual. It should give you a recommendation of conventional, blended synthetic oil, or full synthetic, and nobody knows better than the company that makes the bike!

If you have any questions or anything to add, please leave them in the comments or on our FaceBook page!

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