How To Clean Your Carburetor With Pine-Sol
Deep Clean Your Carburetor With A Soak In Pine-Sol! Soaking your Carburetor In Pine-Sol is a cheap alternative to Chem-dip. We know Berrymans Chem-Dip works for heavy cleaning jobs, but it also costs around $30 gallon, and if all you are doing is cleaning the varnish out your carburetor, it's extreme overkill. Right off the top, there are two things to know when cleaning your carb with pine-sol.
How To Reverse Bleed The Brake Systems On Your Dirt Bike
How To Reverse Bleed, Fill Or Replace The Brake Fluid On Your Dirt Bike. Bleeding Tools And Supplies: Two large syringes Hose Zip Ties Handy Wire Towels Brake Cleaner 8mm Wrench. Prep your bike by wrapping the brake caliper and reservoir in a towel, and removing the reservoir cap. Attach your hose to your filling...
How To Repair A Cracked Crankcase Cover On Your Dirt Bike
I Put A Hole My Crankcase Cover Because I Crash A Lot. I've cracked a few crankcase covers over the years, but this is the first time I've managed to crack one from inside of the cover. Of course, I didn't notice the crack until after I got back to my truck, meaning I put...
How To Use Rubber Grease When Installing Your Tube
Rubber grease is very sticky, so start by removing any potential contaminants from your wheel and work surface. Wear rubber gloves and clothes you don’t care about, and put a towel down to keep your work area clean. If you’ve never changed a tire, make sure to watch my tire change guide for a detailed walk-through.
Dirt Bike Tube & Tire Change
A few notes before you even take your wheel off your bike. You should never have to force your tire on or off the rim, the rim is designed to accommodate the tire during removal and installation. The rim is designed to let the tire bead drop into the center, giving you plenty of room when working on the opposite side of the rim. A warm tire is much...
How To Remove & Install The Rear Wheel On Your Dirt Bike
This is how to remove & install the rear wheel on your dirt bike. Start with your dirt bike on a stand with the rear wheel off the ground...
How To Remove & Install The Front Wheel On Your Dirt Bike
Here is how to remove and install the front wheel on your dirt bike. Start with your dirt bike on a stand and the front wheel off the ground...
How To Change The Front Wheel Bearings On Your Dirt Bike
Replacing the front wheel bearings on your dirt bike is a fairly easy repair. The bearings are a press fit, so you will need a torch and patience to remove them.
How To Change The Rear Wheel Bearings On Your Dirt Bike
Changing the rear wheel bearings on your dirt bike is a fairly easy job. The only tricky part is that the bearings are a pressed fit, so to remove them from the hub, you will need fire and a precision sledgehammer.
2-Stroke Carb Tuning Guide For Your Dirt Bike
Knowing how to change your jets and needles is one thing, but it won’t do you any good if you don’t know how the changes will affect your dirt bike. This guide is meant to give you all the information you need to tune your 2-stroke carburetor for peak performance, no matter the make or model.