2009-2010 Honda CRF450R – Rear Master Cylinder Service

2009 - 2010 Honda CRF450r - Rear Master Cylinder Feaured Image

How To Service The Rear Brake Master Cylinder On Your 2009 – 2010 Honda CRF450R

2009 - 2010 Honda CRF450r - Rear Master Cylinder Feaured ImageThe Tools You Will Need Are:

The Parts You Will Need Are:

This rear master cylinder rebuild should cost around $25 and take about 30 minutes to complete. If you don’t have your rebuild kit, you can get the one I am using HERE.

Pre-Service Notes

  • I recommend opening the Service & Torque Specs in a new tab for easy reference.
  • If you need parts and tools, make sure to buy them here! → https://amzn.to/4h4lDKq
  • Pictures with captions are after the steps below.
  • Brake fluid will damage everything, so keep your shop towels ready!
  • If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask!

Rear Master Cylinder Removal

  1. Start by unbolting the brake lever and removing the brake lever spring.
  2. Loosen the banjo bolt while the master cylinder is still mounted.
  3. Remove the mounting bolts, followed by the banjo bolt.
  4. Make sure to wrap the end of the brake line with a paper towel.
Start by unbolting the brake lever, and removing the brake lever spring.
Start by unbolting the brake lever and removing the brake lever spring.

Remove Brake Lever Spring

Loosen The Rear Master Cylinder Banjo Bolt
Loosen the banjo bolt while the master cylinder is still mounted.
Remove Mounting Bolts
Remove the mounting bolts, followed by the banjo bolt.

Remove the Banjo Bolt From The Rear Master Cylinder

Wrap Brake Line In Shop Towel
Make sure to wrap the end of the brake line with a paper towel.

Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly

  1. Completely disassemble the master cylinder.
  2. Undo the brake lever clevis lock nut and set the lever assembly aside.
  3. The nut by the boot is part of the pushrod, so don’t try to remove it. It’s there to adjust the brake lever after installation.
Undo the brake lever clevis lock nut, and set the lever assembly aside.
Undo the brake lever clevis lock nut and set the lever assembly aside.
Remove Reseroir Cap And Diaphragm
The nut by the boot is part of the pushrod, so don’t try to remove it. It’s there to adjust the brake lever after installation.

Remove The Rear Master Cylinder BootRemove Spring Clip And Pushrod Remove The Rear Master Cylinder Piston

Related: Now that your brake system is rebuilt, you’ll need to install fresh brake pads.

Clean And Inspect


  1. Scrub every part inside and out with brake cleaner and a shop towel.
  2. If you need to scrub anything, use a non-metallic brush.

2009 - 2010 Honda CRF450r - Rear Master Cylinder - Clean Everything


  1. Inspect every component for damage or uneven wear.
  2. If you find any rough spots, gently sand them down with fine-grit emery paper.


  1. Measure the cylinder bore’s inside diameter and the piston’s outside diameter.
  2. The cylinder bore should be no Greater than 9.575mm, and the piston should be no LESS than 9.465mm.
  3. If your cylinder bore and piston are out of spec, they must be replaced.

Measure The Rear Master Cylinder Piston Bore Measure Piston

New Rear Master Cylinder Parts

  1. Before assembly, take stock of your new parts.
  2. I am installing an All Balls Rear Master Cylinder Rebuild kit, which includes a new pushrod boot, banjo bolt seal washers, piston cups, spring clip, and piston spring.
  3. Match the old parts with the new parts so you don’t unintentionally throw away something you need.
  4. Soak your new piston cups in fresh brake fluid for about 15 minutes before assembly.

New Rear Master Cylinder Parts From All Balls Racing Soake New Parts For 15 Minutes

Rear Master Cylinder Assembly

  1. Start your assembly with the piston. Install the piston cups with the large side facing the spring end.
  2. Take your time with the cups; if they are damaged during installation, your brakes won’t work.
  3. Install the piston spring.
  4. Coat the master cylinder bore with brake fluid, and install the piston past the first cup.
  5. Install the piston in a twisting motion to avoid rolling the cups.
  6. Start by holding the cylinder body with your left hand to install the pushrod.
  7. Apply a layer of rubber grease to the pushrod, then position the pushrod and spring clip.
  8. Firmly press the pushrod down with your left thumb, and clip the pushrod into place.
  9. To ensure the clip is in the groove, rotate it with your pick. If it moves, it’s seated.
  10. Apply some rubber grease to the inside of the new boot and slip it over the pushrod.
  11. Push the boot into place with the round side of your 8mm wrench, and make sure the top of the boot seats in the groove past the nut.
  12. Wipe off any excess grease.
  13. Install the diaphragm and reservoir cap.
2009 - 2010 Honda CRF450r - Rear Master Cylinder - Install Piston Cups
Take your time with the cups; if they are damaged during installation, your brakes won’t work.
Install Piston Spring
Install the piston spring.
Install The Rear Master Cylinder Piston
Install the piston in a twisting motion to avoid rolling the cups.
Apply Rubber Grease To Pushrod
Apply a layer of rubber grease to the pushrod, then position the pushrod and spring clip.
Install Spring Clip
Firmly press the pushrod down with your left thumb, and clip the pushrod into place.
Rotate Clip with Pick
To ensure the clip is in the groove, rotate it with your pick. If it moves, it’s seated.
Install Pushrod Boot
Push the boot into place with the round side of your 8mm wrench, and make sure the top of the boot seats in the groove past the nut.
Install The Rear Master Cylinder Diaphragm And Cap
Install the diaphragm and reservoir cap.

Related: Red rubber grease works great for brake pad pins but makes tube installations way too easy!

Rear Master Cylinder Installation

  1. Install the banjo bolt with the new seal washers, and make sure the shank rests on the tab.
  2. Install the master cylinder mounting bolts.
  3. Install the brake lever and attach the return spring. After your rebuild, make sure to bleed the rear brake system!
Install the banjo bolt with the new seal washers, and make sure the shank rests on the tab.
Install the banjo bolt with the new seal washers, and make sure the shank rests on the tab.
Install Mounting Bolts
Install the master cylinder mounting bolts.
Install Brake Lever Pivot Bolt
Install the brake lever and attach the return spring. After your rebuild, make sure to bleed the rear brake system!

Attach Brake Lever Spring

Rear Master Cylinder Torque Specs

  • Mounting Bolts – 10 ft-lbs
  • Banjo Bolt – 25 ft-lbs
  • Pivot Bolt – 27 ft-lbs

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments or on our Facebook page!

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