1997-2001 Honda CR250 – Bottom End Service – Bonus: Tools & Prep

1997 - 2001 Honda CR250 - Bottom End Service - Tools And Prep - Featured

Special Tool And Shop Prep For Your CR250 Bottom End Rebuild

1997 - 2001 Honda CR250 - Bottom End Service - Tools And Prep - FeaturedThe most important thing when servicing your crankcase is cleanliness and organization.

The easiest way to keep your parts cleaned and organized is to wrap each component in a towel when not working on them.

When you do work on them, work over the towel. The towel protects the part from the work surface and the work surface from the part. You also have the bonus of hardware not bouncing away when dropped.

You can also keep your area free of dust and debris with frequent sweeping.

You want to keep your case elevated when splitting and joining, so keep plenty of blocks handy.

Related: I punched a hole in my crankcase cover, and it took two tries to get it fixed.

Bottom End Tools

There are two special tools you will need when rebuilding the bottom end of your dirt bike.

The first is a case splitter → https://amzn.to/429iNjg

Tusk Case SplitterThis splitter from tusk comes with two stud sizes, but it does NOT come with washers. I highly recommend adding washers to this kit to place between the nuts and the crankcase.

The second specialty tool you will need is a crankshaft puller → https://amzn.to/4h5dYvq Tusk Crankshaft PullerThe crankshaft needs to be pressed into the case from both sides to join the cases, and a hammer will not work.

The puller is also the perfect way to install your main bearing seals flush with the case.

Both of these tools cost around $70.

Do not try to make your own or get by without them! Whatever you break using DIY tools will cost way more than just buying the right tool, to begin with.

Lastly, your most important tool is a sturdy work surface with plenty of space.

Part 1: Removal & Dissasembly →

Keep Your ’97-’01 CR250 Running Right!

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