Strengthen Your Knees & Prevent Injury At The Same Time
Avoid Injured Knees At All Costs! - There are not too many body parts that are more important to dirt bike riders than our knees. They help us sit, stand, squat, and take jumps and turns without crashing and burning. They also help us grip, stabilize, and control the bike, too. And let’s not forget how useful they are off the bike. It would be pretty difficult to ride without functional knees, right? In this article, I’m going to share with you why knees...
Lower Back Strength Training Is CHEAP Insurance Against Spinal Injuries
Lower Back Strength Prevents Injury - Lower back injuries are one of the most common types of injuries among motorcycle riders. They most often occur from repeated exposure to long and strenuous rides over an extended period of time. Age also plays a role. In a lot of instances, the lower back pain symptoms start as a series of minor aches and pains in the lower back region that show up shortly after a ride but quickly subside. But as time goes on...
Arm Pump Is The Dirt Rider’s Kryptonite! Learn How To Prevent It!
Arm Pump Prevention and Treatment - There’s nothing worse than the onset of arm pump during the final laps of a race or long ride. Your arms feel like a ton of bricks. You can’t maintain a good grip on your bike. And you practically lose all feeling from the elbow down. By the end of the ride, your arms are completely useless, and all you can do is wait for the pain and numbness to go away...
Eye Strength Will Increase Reaction Times Giving You The Winning Edge
Healthy Eyes = Faster Reaction TimesEye strength is often overlooked (get it?) when discussing ways to improve a rider’s performance on the track, but...